Thanks to the brilliant scientists behind several vaccines, Georgia, and Emory, are emerging from isolation with much to look forward to. For EScAN this promises to be a fulfilling year of in-person events (!) as well as Zoom when it's more convenient. Please welcome our 2021-2022 Board.

President: Julia de Amorim
5th Year PhD Candidate, Biochemistry, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Research subject: RNA metabolism and DNA damage
Policy interests: Clean water initiatives

Vice President: Gabrielle Delima
5th Year PhD Candidate, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
Research subject: Mechanisms of pandemic influenza A virus emergence
Policy interests: Social and economic equity

Treasurer: Lynda Bradley
4th year PhD Candidate, Biology Dept (PBEE program)
Research subject: Effect of resource pulses on host-parasite dynamics
Policy interests: water quality/treatment for marginalized communities in rural areas

Vice President of Outreach: Gavin Smith
3rd Year PhD Candidate, Chemistry Dept
Research Subject: Total Synthesis of Natural Products with antibiotic activity
Policy interests: Funding green infrastructure that is tied to a living wage for the jobs that come with it

Editor: Jessalyn Rogers
4th Year PhD Candidate, Chemistry Dept
Research subject: Natural and naturally-derived peptide nanotubes
Policy interests: Residential zoning and land use

Advertising Director: Natalie Pilgeram
4th Year PhD Candidate, Psychology Dept
Research subject: Modelling early social development in nonhuman animals
Policy interests: Neurodiversity and disability justice

Vice President of Communication: Evelyn (Evy) Kimbrough
5th Year PhD Candidate, Chemistry Dept
Research Subject: tRNA modifications that impact ribosomal reading frame maintenance Policy interests: Environmental protection